The Christian Mission Holiness Church was founded in the year 1916 by the late Rev. Alfred E. Cragwell. He, along with the members of the church raised enough funds to reach out and purchase what was then an abandoned fire station house near Main and Windsor Street. In March 1917, a charter was obtained from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts which certifies that the members of this church are legally established and are made a corporation under the name of The Christian Mission Holiness Church, of Cambridge.
This church became a fire house and soul saving station for the people of God. It has been blessed to have had the following pastors who served long and faithfully from its beginning:
Rev. Alfred E. Cragwell
Pastor Cragwell served as pastor of the church from its beginning to the year 1951. In the early 1900’s, he and his family left the island of Barbados, British West Indies, and migrated to Cambridge, Massachusetts. There he started a church in a room on Harvard Street. The congregation grew rapidly and moved to its present location, 789 Main Street. Many souls were saved and healed, ministers were ordained who carried the Gospel throughout this country as well as the West Indies. Pastor Cragwell was an outstanding clergyman who served this church and community well for over thirty-five years, and was called from labor to reward in 1951.
Rev. Gordon Ward
In 1917, Rev. Ward was converted and baptized and became a member of the church. He later served as senior deacon. After his untiring service in this capacity, he was ordained to the ministry as an elder and became the Assistant Pastor. Rev. Ward was chosen to be pastor of the church due to the illness of Pastor Cragwell in the year 1951. He lifted up a standard for God and the church thrived. He was blessed with a corum of elders and deacons to support the ministry. He was well loved in the community as well as the church. Pastor Ward served diligently and faithfully for eighteen years until his sudden death in March, 1969.
Rev. Clayton M. Ward, Sr.
Rev. Ward, son of Pastor Gordon Ward, attended the church from childhood. He became a member and worked in every capacity where help was needed. In 1963, he was ordained to the ministry and served as the Associate Minister until the death of his father in 1969. Pastor Ward has been involved in all the ministries of the church and community. His compassion for the sick, shut-ins, the poor and needy extends far and near. He became pastor of the church in October, 1969 and served faithfully for twenty-five years until he retired in 1994.
Rev. Clayton M. Ward, Jr.
Rev. Ward, son of Pastor Clayton Ward, Sr. received Christ as his Savior at the age of sixteen. He has been actively involved in the church ever since. In 1970, he was ordained Deacon, and served wherever help was needed, such as assisting the treasurer in clerical functions, building maintenance, visiting the sick, serving communion, and ministering to the youth. In 1990, God called him to the ministry, and he was ordained an elder. He was installed as the fourth Pastor of the church in October 1994.